Maybe you’re a top notch real estate agent, architect, home goods manufacturer, or advertising agency representing one of them. Or maybe you’re an editor for a publication in the architectural, housing or household goods industry. You know that the right location, the right lighting, and the right angle all combine show the features of homes, commercial buildings or home goods at their best. Quality photography plays a big part in this. When you work with a professional photographer from AMS Photos, you get individual attention to portraying what you sell, promote or write about, as well as a creative eye and a knack for dealing with all the details that go into setting up and producing excellent photographs.
-I bring to each shooting session a background in and strong liking for good architecture. For several years I worked as a publicist for Virginia Tech’s Architecture and Urban Studies College, widely known as one of the top U.S. architecture schools. During this time I began photographing buildings as an already fairly accomplished amateur photographer, and my skill has grown considerably since then.
-I learned the technical aspects of photographing glassware and other kitchen goods during my studio photography courses at Northern Virginia Community College, completing a degree in 2001. Since then, I’ve continued to perfect my skill in effectively and creatively portraying kitchen and other household items. You’ll see some of the results in my portfolio.
-I have an affinity for publication editors—I was one in my previous career. Drawing on what I learned in journalism school at the University of Missouri, I spent 15+ years editing various trade magazines and newsletters. So I understand deadlines and publication requirements for photography.
-My event coverage work includes photographing conferences for American Independent Writers, the American Physical Therapy Association, and National Tire Dealers & Retreaders Association. As a trade magazine editor, I coordinated work of freelance photographers for several association conventions.
I look forward to talking to you about your photo needs.
Contact me at 703-216-3016 or e-mail,
Alice Starcke